Ratu Boko Temple Palace

Ratu Boko Temple Palace

Many people would think that mostly temples in and around Jogja are places to worship gods but it is different with Ratu Boko Palace. There is a place to worship gods in Ratu Boko Palace, but actually Ratu Boko Palace is not a temple, it is a palace that is accluturated between  Hinduism and Buddhism. It was built by dynasty of Syailendra which us Buddhist after that taken by The Old Mataram Kingdom which is follower of Hinduism.

Just like many other palaces in Java island, Ratu Boko Palace has an outside gates and inside gates, each gate has five doors; main door and four intercalation doors. To the north east of the inside gate, there is a place to cremate bodies, also in the south east of the inside gate there are three little temples; main temple to worship Vishnu, others to worship Shiva and Brahma.

There are also available for Keputran (princes/men room) and Keputren (princess/women room) also it has two caves; Lanang (male) Cave and Wadon (female) Cave.

Find out the most beautiful sunset on Ratu Boko Palace and keep the trash off the palace, cheers!