Plaosan; The Lover

Plaosan; The Lover

Java island is the center of the development of Hinduism and Buddhism around 9th century. There were two great dynasties who run Java island; Dynasty Syailendra, the follower of Budha and Dynasty Sanjaya, the Hinduist.

Both dynasties have a prince, Rakai Pikatan from Dynasty Sanjaya and a princess, Pramodhawardani from Dynasty Syailendra. They falled in love to each other although they had different religion. Many obstacles had been through by them along their journey of love, finally they decided to get married.

They had proven to people that the difference between them cannot break their feeling to each other and they can get along together in the difference. King Rakai Pikatan allowed his queen, Queen Pramodhawardani to build a temple according to her religion, Budha. She built the temple just as same as Borobudur, the relief is as smooth as Borobudur, it has stupas on it, besides that she also decored the temple with breath of Hinduism. The temple is devided into two sides; north side and south side. The south side is fulfilled with relief of man, some how it is described the admiration of Pramodhawardani to her husband King Rakai Pikatan and the opposite, the north side is fulfilled with relief of beautiful lady, which is Pramodhawardani. This is a description of love of King Rakai Pikatan to his wife, Pramodhawardani.

Keep the temple clean and cheers! The amazing activity is bicycling around the temple and enjoy the view of paddy field and many others.