Merapi The Aloner

Merapi The Aloner

Merapi is the most active volcano in Java island, it is located in Sleman Regency of Yogyakarta. Merapi brings fertility to its soil, that is why main number of local people usually plant local plantation like zalacca or snake fruit, some of them try other plant like cacao and coffee. Mostly local people mine sand from the eruption of the volcano, they can mine 20 trucks of sand per day in rain season, because rain brings materials such as sand and split from the volcano through the river. Besides plantation and mining the volcano materials, some of local people also have farm of cows and sheeps, a lot of grass grows greatly to be food for the farm animals. The another ways of living of local people of Merapi is renting jeeps for tourists. They drive tourists along Kali Kuning (Kuning River) see many historical places like bunker, museum (it was a house before eruption 2010) and other attraction places. The last big eruption is on 2010, it had taken much from the people besides the spirit of life of them. It was a terrible situation at that time but people of Merapi get up, they always do. Because they believe Merapi never breaks his promise! (Merapi tak pernah ingkar janji)
Keep the place clean and cheers!