Love Dedication of Prambanan

Love Dedication of Prambanan

Prambanan sites is also well known as Candi Roro Jonggrang (Roro Jonggrang Temple), it is a temple of Hinduism. Besides being a heritage site of the world, Prambanan also becomes a place to worship gods of Hinduism. The temple is a follower of Shiva (The Destroyer God) the main god, that is why the temple to worship Shiva is the tallest and the biggest than the other two temples. The temple of Vishnu is in the north side of Shiva temple and Brahma temple right on the south side of Shiva temple and there are Perwara temples and others.

Prambanan was built in around 9th century when Hinduism grew fast in Java island, on the age of Rakai Pikatan. Prambanan is the most beautiful temple in Indonesia also Prambanan is the biggest Hinduism temple in the world.
The myth behind Prambanan temple is very famous among local people on Yogyakarta, the story of Roro Jonggrang, the princess who was not agree to marry King Bondowoso. Some may say, that the princess makes deal with Bondowoso, she wants to be married if he builds a thousand temples in one night only. Bondowoso orders his jinnies army to make Roro Jonggrang's wish comes true, but she cheated on him, she made a noisy to wake roosters up. The roosters were crowing and the jinnies thought the dawn is coming then they went away, while the temple had not ready yet. Bondowoso got angry, then he crused her became the thousandth statue to complete the thousand temples.
Try another attraction; Ramayana Ballet, the story is more amusing!
Keep the trash off the temple and cheers!